Weeds of pastures and field crops in Tasmania: economic impacts and biological control
The primary aim of this technical bulletin by By J.E. Ireson, J.T. Davies, D.A. Friend, R.J. Holloway, W.S. Chatterton, E.I. Van Putten and R.E.C. McFadyen was to provide a revised assessment of the cost of weeds to Tasmanian pastures and field crops as well as identifying the weeds that are having the most significant impact on Tasmanian agriculture. It also reviews the current status of all weed biological control programs that have been conducted in Tasmania against some of the major weeds and provides a case study of the successful biological control program on ragwort. The document should serve as a useful reference for those involved in weed control both within the state and nationally.
An economic evaluation of the research benefits and returns on investment in the Invasive Plants Cooperative Research Centre
This report by by Randall Jones, Garry Griffith and David Vere (NSW DPI) evaluates the economic return on benefit based on seven years of CRC work.
Impact of weeds on threatened biodiversity in New South Wales
This report by by Aaron Coutts-Smith and Paul Downey (NSW Pest Management Unit, Parks and Wildlife Division Department of Environment and Conservation) looks at the biodiversity impacts of weeds on the natural environment.
Economic impact assessment of Australian weed biological control
This report by AR Page and KL Lacey (AECgroup) examines the return on investment of the Australian weed biological control (biocontrol) effort.
Weeds in winter pulses: integrated solutions
Guides by Di Carpenter and Annabel Bowcher for the management of weeds in winter pulse crops, looking at the whole farm business and developing strategies involving a wide range of techniques. These publications provides an overview of all aspects of managing weeds during the pulse phase of crop rotation, including what pulse species to choose, weed impacts on pulse production, problem weed species by state, optimisation of the competitive ability of pulses against weed species and weed management using an integrated approach drawn from the suite of available chemical and cultural control methods.
The economic impact of weeds in Australia
Economic research undertaken by J Sinden, R Jones, S Hester, D Odom, C Kalisch, R James and O Cacho in 2003 established that the annual cost of weeds to Australian agriculture exceeds $3.5 billion, and may be as high as $4.5 billion per year.
Improving the selection, testing and evaluation of weed biological control agents
This peer-reviewed publication edited by H Spafford Jacob and DT Briese contains the proceedings from the Weeds CRC Biological Control of Weeds Symposium held in Perth on September 13, 2002.
Weeds CRC impact assessment
This report by the Centre for International Economics highlights the CRC’s achievements up until 2001 and the avenues through which the CRC’s work will reduce weed costs over the longer term.
The specification, estimation and validation of a quarterly structural econometric model of the Australian grazing industries
This model’s development by David Vere, Garry Griffith and Randall Jones closely follows the structural modelling procedures previously adopted in NSW Agriculture and represents an aggregation of that research into a single entity.
An integrated economic system and the farm and industry benefits of improved weed management
This paper by DT Vere, RE Jones and GR Griffith presents a brief review of the methodology of production systems modelling and provides details of the farm and industry modelling methods adopted in the construction of the integrated models. Examples of the application of this modelling system are presented.
Recent incursion of weeds in Australian 1971-1995
This report convened by RH Groves, appendix compiled by JR Hosking assigns dates to weed incursions and naturalisations wherever known.
The distribution, density and economic impact of weeds in the Australian annual winter cropping system
This paper by by Randall Jones, Yohannes Alemseged, Richard Medd and David Vere reports on an analysis of the costs of weeds in Australian annual winter cropping systems.