Australian Weeds Strategy (2017-2027): This national framework addresses weed issues while maintaining the profitability and sustainability of Australia’s primary industries and reducing the impact of weeds on the environment.
It covers national initiatives such as the National Established Weed Priorities (including Weeds of National Significance) and the National Weed Biocontrol Pipeline Strategy.
The strategy is overseen by the inter-jurisdictional Environment and Invasives Committee (EIC) and its Weed Working Group.
The EIC was established in 2018 and replaced the Invasive Plants and Animals Committee (IPAC), addressing, in part, a recommendation from the 2017 Priorities for Australia Biosecurity System report. The Centre for Invasive Species Solutions is an observer to EIC, alongside other scientific and industry bodies including Plant Health Australia and the CSIRO.
The EIC is responsible for providing national policy leadership on the identification, prevention and management of invasive plant, vertebrate and invertebrate species that adversely impact the environment, economy and community.
Click through to read more about its objectives, governance, key achievements and to view its communiqués.
The EIC’s Weeds Working Group membership:
Name | Organisation | Sector |
Karen Stewart (Co-Chair) | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania | State/Territory government |
Tony Dugdale (Co-Chair) | Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action Victoria | State/Territory government |
Steve Taylor | Parks & Conservation Service and Biosecurity & Rural Services ACT (retiring November 2024) | State/Territory government |
Megan Wylie | Parks & Conservation Service and Biosecurity & Rural Services ACT | State/Territory government |
Hillary Cherry | Department of Planning and Environment NSW | State/Territory government |
Stephen Johnson | Department of Primary Industries NSW | State/Territory government |
Michelle Franklin | Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security NT | State/Territory government |
Craig Hunter | Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Qld | State/Territory government |
Giverny Rodgers | Primary Industries and Regions South Australia | State/Territory government |
Kate Blood | Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action Vic | State/Territory government |
Kellie Passeretto | Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions WA | State/Territory government |
John Moore | Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development WA | State/Territory government |
Shalan Scholfield | Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Cwth | Australian Government |
Belinda Mitterdorfer | Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Cwth | Australian Government |
Liz Lindsay | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water Cwth | Australian Government |
Sandra Parsons | Australian Bureau of Agricultural, Resource Economics & Science Cwth | Australian Government |
Ben Gooden | CSIRO | Scientific research |
Andreas Glanznig | Centre for Invasive Species Solutions | Scientific research |
State and Territory biosecurity strategies
ACT Biosecurity Strategy (2016-2026)
The ACT Biosecurity Strategy (2016-2026) acknowledges that biosecurity is a shared responsibility and sets out recommended strategic directions for all stakeholders in the Australian Capital Territory’s biosecurity to work towards over the next ten years.
Because the ACT sits within the state of NSW, the strategy’s goals and outcomes are closely aligned with those of NSW in order to manage shared biosecurity threats.
NSW Invasive Species Plan (2023-2028)
This update to the NSW Invasive Species Plan 2018-2021 identifies key deliverables to help prevent new incursions, eliminate or contain existing populations and effectively manage already widespread invasive species. The NSW Invasive Species Plan (2023-2028) includes but is not limited to weeds.
NT Biosecurity Strategy (2016-2026)
This strategy addresses increasing biosecurity risks across the Territory. The NT Biosecurity Strategy (2016-2026) seeks to ensure the Northern Territory is protected from new, established and endemic pests and diseases.
QLD Invasive Plants and Animals Strategy (2019-2024)
A state-wide strategic planning framework to address the impacts of invasive plants and animals in Queensland and to reduce the incidence of new exotic species entering Queensland. A Queensland Invasive Plants and Animals Strategy 2025-2030 is in development. Learn more about the Queensland Invasive Plants and Animals Strategy.
WA Biosecurity Strategy
Provides strategic direction for the management of emerging and ongoing biosecurity issues that impact agriculture, fisheries, forests and the environment within the State. The WA Biosecurity Strategy includes but is not limited to weeds.