Nationally significant weed nomination process
Expression of Interest (EOI) Closed
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NEWP is a vital mechanism for implementing the Australian Weeds Strategy 2017-2027 and achieving action under the National Framework for the Management of Established Pests and Diseases of National Significance.
Expression of Interest (EOI) Closed
Expression of Interest (EOI) | Step 1 | Closed
Thank you to those organisations which submitted an EOI to nominate a nationally significant weed.
Click here to access the list of weed species deemed eligible to proceed to Step 2 Nomination.
Organisations interested in contributing to a nomination where they are currently not joined up (either through submitting an EOI for the species or listed as a group member) should contact to advise of the species and request their contact details be shared with the relevant organisations.
Nomination | Step 2 | Underway
Organisations have now been advised about the outcome of the EOI process. If your EOI met the eligibility criteria, you have been invited to submit a nomination for the weed. Nominations must be submitted using the Nomination form template.
Ensure that you understand the nomination process described in the Guide to nominating a nationally significant weed. Nominations close AEDT 9:00pm 12 January 2025.
Once complete, email your form and attachments to If the size exceeds 20 MB, send multiple emails.
For distribution maps, ideally keep the file size below 5 MB and provide as pdf, jpeg, or png format. Data in spatial files is not required.
For any questions on the Guide or Nomination form template, email
The Environment and Invasives Committee’s Weeds Working Group (EIC WWG) commissioned a report in 2020 to analyse the Weeds of National Significance (WoNS) initiative and draft a framework to underpin the future of nationally-established weeds management.
The report ‘National Established Weed Priorities – Towards a National Framework’ proposed a draft framework for the nationally coordinated management of established weeds.
Wild Matters Pty Ltd subsequently developed the National Established Weed Priorities (NEWP) Framework and Implementation Plan, with extensive input and feedback from stakeholders, including through an industry and community Advisory Group.
NEWP retains the essence of the original WoNS initiative (through the WoNS component) but also moves beyond the single species approach to encompass other national established weed priorities including Weed Issues of National Significance (WINS) and a National Established Weeds Action List (NEWAL). This broadens the scope of the original initiative, addressing landscape-scale management issues for established weeds (WINS), and offering continued management of discrete national priority actions where required (NEWAL).
EIC endorsed the NEWP Framework and Implementation Plan in June 2023.
On 30 November 2023, the National Biosecurity Committee agreed to a phased approach to progress the NEWP implementation.
This phased approach initially focuses on determination of new national weed priorities.
Following determination of new national weed priorities, government and non-government stakeholders will consider investment. This will determine the scale of NEWP implementation.
Reflecting that NEWP is a collaborative initiative between government and non-government stakeholders, a NEWP Steering Group, consisting of representatives of all stakeholder sectors in weed management, will lead the overall implementation of NEWP.
The NEWP Steering Group provides strategic advice to the Environment and Invasives Committee (EIC) Weeds Working Group, which is accountable for this initiative to the Environment and Invasives Committee and the National Biosecurity Committee.
Further details are contained in the NEWP Terms of Reference.
The NEWP Steering Group will initially oversee the determination of new national weed priorities.
The members of the NEWP Steering Group are:
Name | Organisation | Sector |
Cameron Allan (Chair) | Independent | Agriculture |
Allan Peake | Meat and Livestock Australia | Agriculture |
Justin Bellanger (Deputy Chair) | NRM Regions Australia | Natural resources management |
Alex Vaughan | Arid Lands Environmental Centre | Biodiversity conservation |
Angus Atkinson | National Farmers Federation | Agriculture |
Natalie Rossiter-Rocher | National Environmental Science Program /Charles Darwin University | Scientific research |
Richard Hyett | Australian Forest Products Association | Forestry |
Sarah Morran | Grains Research and Development Organisation | Agriculture |
Shane Campbell | University of Queensland | Scientific research |
Stephen van Leeuwen | Curtin University | First Nations/Scientific research |
Teagan Shields | Curtin University | First Nations/Scientific research |
Name | Organisation | Sector |
Ben Gooden | CSIRO | Scientific research |
Giverny Rodgers | Primary Industries and Regions South Australia | State/Territory government |
Karen Stewart | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania | State/Territory government |
Michelle Crow | Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions Western Australia | State/Territory government |
Liz Lindsay | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) | Australian Government |
Tony Dugdale | Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action Victoria | State/Territory government |
Michelle Franklin | Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security, NT | State/Territory government |
Hillary Cherry | Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water NSW | State/Territory government |
Craig Hunter | Department of Primary Industries Qld | State/Territory government |
Wayne Vogler | Department of Primary Industries Qld | State/Territory government |