Original content on the site has been provided with permission through the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry under a data licence deed, as well as content provided through the weeds working group of the Environment and Invasives Committee (EIC) and the archived CRC for Australian Weeds Management website. Information on this site is under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence, however images must be attributed accordingly and web information cited.

Weeds Australia is now live but the website will continued to be updated and reinvigorated based on feedback. It will be released over 4 stages as follows:

Beta version launch – April 2020

Website contains information and profiles sourced from weeds.gov.au (ex-Australian Government weeds website), old weeds.org.au (decommisioned Australian Weeds Committee website from 1998) and weeds.crc.org.au (archived CRC for Australian Weed Management website from the early 2000’s), plus an identification key. Information on site currently under technical review in the beta version.

Stage 1 launch – Early 2021

Website profiles fully reviewed and updated based on latest evidence, and connected with regional and jurisdictional information

Stage 2 launch – 2022+

Website integrated to include Weeds ID scanning, monitoring and reporting functionality.

At any point in time you can provide feedback on this site directly back to the team using the ‘Provide Feedback’ tab at the top right of the page.

Creation of Weeds Australia

This site is a deliverable of the Centre for Invasive Species Solutions (CISS) project P01-E-008 ‘Development of National Invasive Species Management’ digital information platform’ led by Dr Ian McDonald with major support from Dr Rachel Melland, who facilitated the stakeholder workshops, surveys and focus groups to help understand user needs and requirements. The project received funding from the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

The site has been designed and developed by Plural Agency and the Weeds Australia management profiles are hosted within the Atlas of Living Australia profiles area.

The Weeds Australia website has been developed in collaboration with the weeds community, and a particular thanks to all members of the EIC weeds working group, in particular its Chair, Dr John Virtue and Dr Pete Turner and Hillary Cherry who provided resources and valuable background knowledge to be able to create the site.

We’d also like to thank those who assisted in its development through a user survey undertaken in May 2018 and focus group at the 20th Australasian Weeds Conference in Sydney undertaken in September 2018.

Weeds Australia is a partnership between the following organisations:

The Weeds Australia legacy

Weeds Australia has quite a legacy and this new site in 2020 is building on an initiative first developed in 1998 through the Australian Weeds Committee (as it was named at the time).

Thank you to all those involved to help us re-create Weeds Australia.

Below is the 1998 Weeds Australia logo (an Australian Weeds Committee National Initiative)