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See also:
Bowcher, A. & Holding, D. (2004). Factsheet: Physical Weed Management: Strategically Cutting Paterson's Curse. Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management. South Australia.
Bowcher, A. (2003). Factsheet: Monitoring Biological Control Agents: a Biocontrol Case Study for Paterson's Curse. Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management. South Australia.
Bowcher, A. (2003). Factsheet: Release of Biological Control Agents: a Biocontrol Case Study for Paterson's Curse. Cooperative Research Centre for Australian Weed Management. South Australia.
Keith Turnbull Research Institute (1998). Landcare Notes: Biological Control of Paterson's Curse with the Stem-boring Beetle (LC0159). Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria.
Keith Turnbull Research Institute (1998). Landcare Notes: Biological Control of Paterson's Curse with the Flower Feeding Beetle (LC0165). Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria.
Keith Turnbull Research Institute (1999). Landcare Notes: Biological Control of Paterson's Curse with the Taproot Flea Beetle (LC0155). Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Victoria.
Keith Turnbull Research Institute (2001). Landcare Notes: Biological Control of Paterson's Curse with Crown and Root Boring Weevils (LC0144). Department of Sustainability and Environment, Victoria.
International Environmental Weed Foundation (2005) Echium plantagineum factsheet. Available at: Factsheet - Echium plantagineum (