Anon. (2007) Spiny Cocklebur (Xanthium spinosum L.). Washington State Noxious Weeds Control Board.
Australian Plant Census (2011) available at: Vascular Plants APNI (
Carr, G.W., Yugovic, J.V. & Robinson, K.E. (1992) Environmental weed invasions in Victoria. Conservation and management implications. Department of Conservation and Environment and Ecological Horticulture Pty Ltd, Clifton Hill, Victoria.
Carr, G.W. (1993) Exotic flora of Victoria and its impact on indigenous biota. In Foreman, D.B. and Walsh, N.G. (eds) Flora of Victoria Vol. 1. Inkata Press, Melbourne.
Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia. (undated) Declared plant in Western Australia: Bathurst Burr (Xanthium spinosum). Department of Agriculture and Food, Western Australia. Available (updated) at: Bathurst burr: declared pest | Agriculture and Food
Department of Primary Industries & Water Tasmania (2007) Bathurst Burr (Xanthium spinosum L.) Control Guide. Department of Primary Industries & Water Tasmania. Available (updated) at: Bathurst Burr | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (
Faithfull, I. (1998) Bathurst Burr. Keith Turnbull Research Institute, Frankston. Department of Primary Industries, Victoria.
Land Protection (2006) Bathurst Burr. Facts: pest series. Department of Natural Resources and Water, Queensland.
Navie S. (2004). Declared Plants of Australia. An identification and information system. Centre for Biological Information Technology: Brisbane. [CD-ROM]
Parsons W.T. and Cuthbertson, E.G. (1992) Noxious weeds of Australia. Inkata Press, Melbourne.
Weeds Australia (undated) Bathurst Burr.
Also see:
Department of Primary Industries Victoria (DPI) (2007). Bathurst Burr (Xanthium Spinosum) (Nox). Available at
Agriculture Victoria (2021). Bathurst burr (Xanthium Spinosum). Victorian Resources Online, Victoria State Government. Available at: Bathurst burr (Xanthium Spinosum) (Nox) | VRO | Agriculture Victoria
AVH (2021). The Australasian Virtual Herbarium. Council of Heads of Australasian Herbaria (CHAH). Available at: Home - AVH (
CABI. (2021). Xanthium spinosum, (bathurst burr). In: Invasive Species Compendium. Wallingford, UK: CAB International. Available at: Xanthium spinosum (bathurst burr) | CABI Compendium (
eFloraSA (2021). Electronic Flora of South Australia. State Herbarium of South Australia: Adelaide. Available at: Fact sheet for Xanthium spinosum (
DPI NSW (2019). NSW Weedwise, Department of Primary Industry (DPI). Available at: NSW WeedWise
Government of South Australia (2021). Declared Plant Policy, Bathurst burr (Xanthium spinosum). South Australia. Available at: Proclaimed Plant Policy ( [pdf link]
PlantNET (2021). The NSW Plant Information Network System. Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust, Sydney. Available at: [accessed 23/02/2021].
Queensland Government (2016). Xanthium spinosum . Weeds of Australia, Biosecurity Queensland Edition. Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI). Available at: PlantNET - FloraOnline (
VicFlora (2016). Flora of Victoria, Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Available at: VicFlora: Xanthium spinosum (
Western Australian Herbarium (1998–). FloraBase—the Western Australian Flora. Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. Available at: Taxon Profile of Xanthium spinosum L. | Florabase (