Stay tuned: WeedScan 2.0 is coming

Since WeedScan launched in 2023, the app has attracted 23,000 downloads and generated nearly 10,000 weed records from around the country.

Significantly, the app’s AI model accuracy has been confirmed: suggested weed matches with confidence scores above 90% were correct 85% of the time. We did, however, find that weeds not in the WeedScan AI model or low-quality images generated low confidence scores for wrongly identified weed species.

This ‘false positive’ problem was partially a result of the WeedScan AI model being skewed to new and emerging priority weeds and not common lawn weeds.

Now, the app is set for improvement.

In consultation with partners across Australia, another 450 weed species will be added to the AI model, in addition to the initial 450 priority and other weed species the app was originally trained to identify.

The new tranche of weed species includes high priority, priority and common weeds but also species which trigger ‘false positive’ records, including some native species.

WeedScan 2.0 is slated for deployment in February or March 2025.

Updated WeedScan interface

As part of WeedScan 2.0 developments, users can also expect to find a more intuitive interface when using the app to identify and record a weed sighting.

This includes clearer iconography and importantly more user guidance about when to create a weed sighting based on the app’s confidence rating and user confirmation.